Kidcrew Medical - Lactation

Lactation and Breast Feeding Resources

The Lactation Crew at Kidcrew will support you and your vision of feeding success.

Kidcrew Medical - Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Resources

Babies begin their gross motor development by learning to lift their heads on their tummy.

Kidcrew Medical - Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Resources

Occupational therapy promotes independence in everyday life.

Kidcrew Medical - Therapy

Therapy Resources

Our therapy team is dedicated to helping your family with improving your child’s mental health.


Team Kidcrew

COVID-19 Policies

The health and safety of our patients, their families, and our staff are our top priorities.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented policies and precautionary measures in accordance with public health guidelines. Please stay up to date on our latest policies and learn how we’re working together to keep our community healthy and protected.

COVID-19 Policies

[Updated January, 2022]

Click to read Dr. Dina’s weekly newsletter series on COVID-19.

Kidcrew is available to all kids in Ontario.

If you have a friend or relative who cannot access their primary care physician, we are available for you.

Please see all our information on joining Kidcrew and virtual visits.

Download our Guide to Virtual Visits?.

Important: During this pandemic, we are doing our very best to be available to any child in Ontario. We have pediatricians available 7 days a week to see your child virtually, and in-person. We are open seven days a week.

For more information on Kidcrew accepting new patients, please call our medical desk at 416-654-5437, or email to, or click here for information on virtual care.


Hello Kidcrew Family!

As we continue to provide comprehensive care for your children and family, seven days a week, these are our new operational changes.


If your child is sick, please contact us to book a screening appointment with one of our doctors. The doctor will review your child’s illness with you and determine next steps, including whether an in-person visit is recommended.

If your child is sent home from daycare or school because they are sick, our doctors cannot provide return-to-school notes. We do not have COVID-19 tests in our office and therefore cannot give a note stating that it is safe for the child to return to school.

Our doctors are happy to review your child’s illness and provide counsel.

Please see for more details.


For more information on flu shots, click here.


Many of your children are due for vaccines and routine visits. It is unpredictable how long this pandemic will last, and we do not want to delay vaccinations as we want to continue to prevent vaccine-preventable illnesses. Rest assured, there are very few patients coming through Kidcrew, and all are healthy.

When the pandemic calms, we will want to minimize the volume of patients through the doors for fear of future outbreaks of COVID-19. We will not be able to catch up on all vaccines that are delayed in a safe way all at once (like we have previously done with flu shot clinics).

Please consider keeping your routine well-baby visit, or at least schedule a virtual visit with your doctor to ensure we review your child’s health and development as we continue to practice preventative medicine.


Our primary care and specialist physicians are still providing consults virtually.

We know that many doctor’s offices have closed, and few are offering virtual care to their patients.

We want to minimize unnecessary emergency room use and want to avoid delayed access to care. Therefore, our pediatricians will gladly see ANY child in Ontario through phone-call and virtual calls, to ensure all Ontario children have access to a pediatrician.

If you have friends or family members who do not have access to their physician right now, and they have a question or concern, please have them call (416-654-5437) or email us ( and we will arrange a virtual visit.


This is a difficult time for children and parents. It is unprecedented, stressful, anxiety-inducing, and exhausting.

We worry about the emotional burden on you and your family.

Our team of pediatricians, mental health practitioners and psychiatrists are here to help.

If you or your child are struggling with big emotions, stress or anxiety, please let us know. We can schedule an in-person or virtual visit to provide care.


COVID-19 is placing stress on Canada’s public health system. Kidcrew is offering virtual care to make sure that we can continue to care for our patients safely and effectively.

This means that we will be using video and audio technologies for some patient visits rather than asking all patients to come into our office.

Some health concerns can be addressed with virtual care alone, but in some cases, your doctor may ask you to visit us in Kidcrew, a hospital, or other health care facility if necessary, for a physical examination.

Many illnesses, questions, and concerns can be assessed on the phone or through a virtual visit.

If you want to avoid a routine visit in person, we do recommend scheduling a phone or virtual visit with your physician instead, as it will be difficult to accommodate all missed routine visits when the pandemic calms.

Your doctor can discuss your child’s health and development, and vaccines can be arranged at a later date.


COVID-19 has caused a rise in anxiety and stress for families and children.

Our therapy team is available for in-person, by phone or through virtual visits to discuss any concerns you may have. Please call or email to enquire.

If you think that you might have COVID-19, you can complete a COVID-19 self-assessment:


If you or your child screens positive here, it is critical that you call 1-866-553-7205 to be screened and verify if you should attend an assessment center or self-isolate at home for 14 days.

For information about COVID-19 Assessment Centres:


Please practice social distancing, and if you can, stay home.

To keep people safe, and to keep the pandemic from spreading in Toronto, it is very important that people stay at home except for essential tasks.

If you go out in the world:

  • practice social distancing
  • stay at least 2 meters from others
  • avoid touching your face
  • wash your hands well, at least 30 seconds, multiple times a day


Where can one find reliable information about Covid-19?

For reliable, up-to-date information on the Covid-19 outbreak, we recommend:

1. The World Health Organizations Novel Coronavirus Information Page

2. The CDC Novel Coronavirus Information Page

3. Health Canada’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus infection Outbreak update page


It is our goal to treat every child in need of care while protecting our families, our staff, and our community.

We thank you for your patience during this challenging time.

Team Kidcrew

Comments and feedback are welcome at