Kidcrew Medical - Lactation

Lactation and Breast Feeding Resources

The Lactation Crew at Kidcrew will support you and your vision of feeding success.

Kidcrew Medical - Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Resources

Babies begin their gross motor development by learning to lift their heads on their tummy.

Kidcrew Medical - Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Resources

Occupational therapy promotes independence in everyday life.

Kidcrew Medical - Therapy

Therapy Resources

Our therapy team is dedicated to helping your family with improving your child’s mental health.


Team Kidcrew

Naturopathy Resources

IMPORTANT: We ask that your physician sends Kidcrew a referral, prior to
booking a lactation consultation (thank-you!).


Naturopathy Resources

Some of my frequently used naturopathy patient resources are:

Patient Handouts –

I have dozens of handouts for patients spanning topics from “Introducing Solid Foods” to “How to dose cannabis.” Appropriate handouts are always attached to my patient emails following visits.

Fullscript –

Fullscript is an online supplement distributor for healthcare professionals. I use their platform to communicate with patients and to send product recommendations. Patients can purchase the recommended products directly from Fullscript, which ships to the patient in a few days. Fullscript also has regular newsletters on various health topics.

Website –

My website has lots of information about myself, the treatment modalities I use, some of the tests I frequently recommend, and a health and wellness blog.

I post weekly videos on naturopathy topics ranging from cannabis education to alternative therapies and favourite supplements.

Have concerns?

Please connect with your pediatrician or healthcare provider via secure video or phone, from the safety of your home. Don’t delay care for your child. Book an appointment today.

Our Naturopathy Team

Kidcrew Medical | Dr Shawn Meirovici

Dr. Shawn Meirovici



Kidcrew Medical | Multidisciplinary Pediatric Clinic with Dr. Dina Kulik

Your Questions About Naturopathy


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Are naturopathic services eligible for insurance coverage?
Yes, while services are not covered under OHIP, most extended health insurance providers have coverage for naturopathy.
What can I expect from a naturopathy visit with my child?

An initial visit will usually begin with a health history, including discussing the current concerns. Next, we will talk about any concerns about your child’s body, symptoms, food and dietary questions, medication history, and school issues, and what approaches have already been used to address these challenges. A short physical exam will follow unless the appointment is by phone or virtual.

Finally, there is a discussion of the recommended treatment protocol and any lingering questions. Once the appointment is complete, I will email the patient a thorough summary of the treatment protocol and product recommendations, recommended tests, and dosages. A naturopathic doctor wants to heal the body by treating their health problems and disease. Our focus is on ensuring a healthy family.

How often will I need to visit a Naturopath?
Unless the child is coming in regularly for a physical treatment such as acupuncture or IV therapy, I will usually schedule a follow-up 3-4 weeks after the initial appointment and then every 3-6 months in person after that. Parents can decide if they wish to visit for a follow-up with their children and if further treatments are recommended.
Will my child need to see another clinician as well?

It is not necessary for children to see other clinicians as naturopaths practice as primary care physicians. However, the patient will benefit from a circle of care with various specialists in many situations, including naturopaths. In these situations, the appropriate referrals are made.

How long are appointments for children?

Initial consults are typically 60 minutes with the doctor, and follow-ups usually range from 15 to 30 minutes. In these appointments, I will address any concerns or questions you have about your child, including sleep, food intake, challenges in school, and any problems about their body. My practice focuses on families instead of just the person, as kids live in that environment with you and other family members.

What are the most common challenges a naturopathic doctor sees?

The most common challenge for me as a naturopath is that patients will often come to see me at a time of last resort when most conventional therapies have not produced results. That being said, I tend to thrive in these situations because I like to think outside the box. Naturopathic medicine provides natural therapies using natural medicines and herbal medicines to alleviate health problems and keep children and you in good health.

How long will it take my child to see a naturopath?

There is not usually a long wait to get an appointment. I can typically see a new or returning child patient within a week of booking. The next appointment will be decided together. Families are welcome to check with the admin staff to see when they can be booked to see the doctor.

What if nothing is precisely wrong. Can I see a naturopath for just general health advice? Is it natural medicine?
Absolutely! Naturopathic doctors teach preventative medicine. There is always an opportunity to optimize one’s health and health habits. It is wise to address any concerns with your physician and discuss why you might wish to seek out the advice of a naturopathic doctor. The goal is good health!

Some naturopathic physicians provide primary care and pediatric care for children, so please review this with your healthcare provider.

What are the common therapeutics in naturopathic medicine?

Some of my most common therapeutics are food sensitivity testing, nutritional supplementation, dietary counselling, and CBD oil. In addition, naturopathic doctors provide herbal therapies, immune support, and other treatment options and sometimes prescribe medications. Many people seek care for their child from a naturopathic doctor due to digestive issues, neurological symptoms, disease, illness, or other concerns. Naturopathic doctors provide pediatric care, can help young patients, including children, some focus on women’s health, and many provide treatments for the whole family. The goal is to keep everyone healthy! Naturopathic medicine focuses on treating illness as well as prevention.

What are the main ways naturopathic doctors improve milestone attainment, ADHD behaviors, and impulsivity in a child?
No matter the condition or goal, naturopathic doctors always start with the fundamental building blocks of health and wellness; diet and clinical nutrition, gastrointestinal health, exercise, mental health, and sleep. I have found that optimizing these critical areas in children is the most important predictor of treatment success by a naturopathic doctor.
What are the modalities of naturopathic medicine that we use in children?
As a naturopathic doctor, I practice in many different care modalities, so there are many tools in my toolbox. The most commonly used in naturopathic medicine for children are nutrition and nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and intravenous therapy.
What are the most common things naturopaths see in children?
Some of the most common things that I see in children are gastrointestinal issues, eczema and other skin conditions, autistic spectrum disorders, epilepsy and neurological disease, anxiety, child allergies, and general supplement advice. Parents often see other practitioners and want another opinion on how to provide the most comprehensive pediatric care to their child and may seek out other allied health care providers like homeopathy. Sometimes herbal therapies are recommended. Families often say they appreciate that naturopaths take a holistic approach to pediatrics and want to ensure that you and your young ones live a healthy life.