Kidcrew Medical - Lactation

Lactation and Breast Feeding Resources

The Lactation Crew at Kidcrew will support you and your vision of feeding success.

Kidcrew Medical - Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Resources

Babies begin their gross motor development by learning to lift their heads on their tummy.

Kidcrew Medical - Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Resources

Occupational therapy promotes independence in everyday life.

Kidcrew Medical - Therapy

Therapy Resources

Our therapy team is dedicated to helping your family with improving your child’s mental health.


Team Kidcrew

Parenting Resources

IMPORTANT: We ask that your physician sends Kidcrew a referral, prior to
booking a lactation consultation (thank-you!).


Tia Slightham – Parenting Solutions, Inc.

About Tia Slightham:

Tia is a teacher, business owner, best-selling author (You’ve Got This Mama, Too), and is a mom herself. She is the founder of The Parenting With Purpose Method and Tia Slightham- Parenting Solutions. She works with parents to teach parenting strategies and positive ways to decrease the daily struggles we encounter as parents. As a result, parents learn to save time and energy to live a high-quality life.

Tia has a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Ed., is certified in Positive Discipline, and has worked with kids and families for over 16 years. Tia works with parents to tailor a plan to remedy parenting struggles. Her positive solutions will be practical, long-lasting, and will help you and your child to reconnect.

1. What ages do you work with?

I generally work with parents who have kids 0-12 years of age. I work directly with the parents to shift their parenting approach, which simultaneously will turn your child’s behaviour.

2. What are the most common challenges you see?

The most common challenges I see are parents feeling frustrated by their kids not listening or dealing with ongoing, defiant behaviours (not sleeping, not going to bed, not doing what asked, needing to yell to get kids to listen, tantrums, and power struggles)

3. What are the modalities of care we use?

I work virtually with parents via zoom sessions (I do not work directly with your child). I also see parents inside Kidcrew with select office hours.

4. What are the main ways we improve behavioural challenges?

I work under the Positive Discipline umbrella. More often than not, parents use punishment tactics (time-out, yelling, empty threats, taking things away), which cause more unwanted behaviours and weaken your parent-child connection. This is not done on purpose, but instead, parenting is a learned skill that parents have to take time to learn.

I support parents to learn positive discipline tactics, which will ensure you connect with your child and teach life lessons in a firm, fair, and respectful way—all free of yelling, anger, and guilt. You are helping your child learn to trust and respect you and your boundaries.

5. What service options do you have?

I work 1:1 with parents in a variety of ways.

1:1 via zoom or in-clinic sessions. I also have a variety of 1:1 packages with added email support.
Signature Program – The Parenting With Purpose Method is a 12-week program giving you flexibility, support, and accountability with a hybrid model consisting of 12 online modules (audio lessons and downloads) and daily and weekly support/coaching to get all your questions answered along the way.
6. How do I know which option is best for my needs? Do I need to follow a particular parenting style?
The best way is to book a 30-minute, complimentary discovery call so we can discuss your challenges and next steps to find the right fit for you. We can review your parenting style and some parenting strategies I utilize, focusing on positive behaviours and minimizing disruptive behaviour.

Schedule a call with Tia

Schedule a Call with Tia

Tia’s Parenting Resources:

Free Parenting Guide:

Download Tia’s free Parenting Guide

Children’s Book Corner:

Check out our Children’s Book Corner

Children’s books are a fantastic tool to help your child learn appropriate behaviours through developmentally appropriate language and content. Visit the Children’s Book Corner to browse, click, and ship books on topics of your choice; potty training, picky eating, not listening, bedtime battles, hitting, and much more!

The Parenting With Purpose Method

See more information about the program on my website .

Free Facebook parenting community

[Facebook] Simple Parenting Solutions with Tia Slightham

Follow Tia on Instagram:

Our Parenting Consulting Team

Kidcrew Medical | Tia Slightham

Tia Slightham,

Masters in Early Childhood Education

Parent Consultant

Kidcrew Medical | Multidisciplinary Pediatric Clinic with Dr. Dina Kulik

Your Questions About Parenting Consulting


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How long will it take to see me?
I will do my best to see you within seven days or less, depending on availability. My goal is to get you noticed and on track as soon as possible! I will work directly with you to get you booked in, in a timely fashion.
What are the most common things we see?
Kids not listening, tantrums, meltdowns, refusing to go to bed or sleep independently, Kids refusing to cooperate, get dressed, eat, do homework, turn off devices/screens. Sibling rivalry, hitting, biting, anger, and emotional regulation. Defiance and constant power struggles. We will focus on positive parenting techniques with a result of good behaviour and the desired behaviours.
How long are appointments?

Single sessions are 50 minutes – you will walk away with helpful information, tools, and an action plan to start making positive changes.

Will I need to see another clinician as well?

We will determine this based on our session(s). Step one in resolving unwanted behaviours is learning how to shift parenting tactics to effectively meet your child’s basic and emotional needs. This will allow you to check off the boxes and know what the next steps are needed if any.

How often do I need to come?

As much as you need or desire. You can book multiple sessions; parents also enjoy package options or The Parenting With Purpose Method. It gives you enough time, support, and accountability to reach your goals and resolve unwanted behaviours.

What can I expect from a visit?

On your visit, we will start by discussing your most significant challenges to understand further what steps need to be taken, in which order, to help you get results in the easiest and fastest way. You will then get a complete step-by-step walkthrough of each parenting tool being implemented so you can walk away feeling confident about the next steps.

Remember, minor changes make significant results, so parents see positive changes right away!

We will work to reinforce good behaviour through positive parenting strategies to get the desired behaviour we crave. The goal is to decrease behavioural problems that are so common at this developmental stage. We will increase positive behaviour, improve self-esteem, mental health, and foster healthy child development. We will set realistic expectations on how we will manage behaviour problems in your child. We will develop new house rules and effective consequences for bad behaviour.

The result will be better behaviour. We will find teachable moments by paying attention to exactly what your child is trying to tell you when they have behavioural problems.