Many new parents choose to breastfeed or chest feed their babies. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding or chestfeeding until six months of age with ongoing breastfeeding and solid food introduction up to 2 years of age or longer.
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Back-To-School Healthy Snacks For Toddlers and Kids
Healthy snacks can be a challenge for busy parents. Many kids end up with sugar and salt-laden, highly processed foods, which, though yummy, will not sustain a child’s energy levels all day.
What Do I Do to Help Siblings When a New Baby Arrives?
These worries are shared by many parents across the globe as they prepare to welcome a new baby into the family. A new child is always going to change the family dynamic. It is essential the outline that these changes can be positive as well as negative.
What is Reactive Airway Disease or Child Asthma and What to Do?
Asthma in Children – When parents hear they have a child with asthma or reactive airway disease, they are often fearful that their child will have a serious, life-threatening, life-long illness that may lead to frequent hospitalizations and long-term medication use. Most cases of childhood asthma, or what we call ‘reactive airway disease,’ are otherwise healthy children with recurrent coughing or wheezing episodes.
Internet Safety for Kids – How to Keep Kids Safe on the Internet
When using the internet, children face several threats, including harassment, cyberbullying, privacy invasion, and exposure to sexual or generally inappropriate content. Although you can use apps and tracking software to ensure that your kids are safe online, these methods can easily lead to a lack of trust in your child. The best way is to talk to them about internet safety, letting them understand online risks and how to avoid them.
What is Attention Deficit Disorder?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that is usually diagnosed in childhood but may extend into adulthood. You might think to yourself, ‘do I have ADHD?’. Someone with ADHD is generally restless, has problems paying attention, and usually acts on impulse (with no care of the outcome).
How Much Vitamin D Do You Need? Which Vitamin D Supplement is Best?
When it comes to vitamin D, getting the right amount of this essential nutrient is important for keeping your body healthy. Vitamin D helps with bone health and may also help prevent some types of cancer.
Are You a Helicopter or Snowplow Parent?
Raising kids is no easy feat. It’s not for the light-hearted. It requires bravery and time and patience, and unconditional love. It is the real deal. It’s hard with society’s added pressure to be the absolute best at everything, not making mistakes, and looking for perfection.
How To Change a Diaper & Prevent Leaks
How to change a diaper by Dr. Dina Kulik