A time-out is a punishment employed by parents where a child is made to sit independently after a child’s misbehavior. This is meant to encourage good behavior. Does it?
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How to Heal Cracked Nipples from Breastfeeding
Many people experience some nipple pain from breastfeeding or chestfeeding or cracked nipples from breastfeeding or chestfeeding. Mild nipple pain is expected and should fade in a few days.
10 Simple Strategies to Improve Your Child’s Behavior Today
Some children genuinely have challenging behaviors regardless of what strategies we try. However, many children benefit when the adults in their lives make changes in the way they react, respond, or interact with them. Here are ten simple strategies that you can start right now.
What Causes Body Odor In Kids?
When your body’s temperature rises, sweat glands release fluids that cool you down before they evaporate. Bacteria living on our skin break down this sweat into acids that give off the not-so-great smell we call body odor.
What type of therapist do I need?
There are so many types of different therapists, and it can be challenging to figure out which one is the right fit for you or your child. We want to provide more insight into the different types of therapists available at Kidcrew and hopefully help you make a better-informed decision on which kind of therapy is best for your family.
What is Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)?
Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV is a common viral infection of the lungs and respiratory tract. It is ubiquitous; almost all children have been infected with RSV by age 2. RSV usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms lasting a week or two. While most cases are mild, RSV can be severe, particularly in very young babies and older adults.
When To Treat For Head Injuries In Children
(Video Inside) Pediatrician Dr. Dina Kulik is sharing her tips on what to look for if your child experiences a head injury, or fall.
Newborn Rashes and Baby Acne
Baby acne only happens in your baby’s first few months of life. In almost all cases, the acne resolves on its own without treatment.
Roseola In Kids
Roseola is caused by a virus that is very contagious. The infection spreads through droplets that others breathe in after a child with roseola coughs, talks or sneezes.