Kidcrew Medical - Lactation

Lactation and Breast Feeding Resources

The Lactation Crew at Kidcrew will support you and your vision of feeding success.

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Babies begin their gross motor development by learning to lift their heads on their tummy.

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Team Kidcrew

Lactation and Breast Feeding Resources

IMPORTANT: We ask that your physician sends Kidcrew a referral, prior to
booking a lactation consultation (thank-you!).


The Lactation Crew at Kidcrew

Lactation and breastfeeding

The Lactation Crew at Kidcrew will support you and your vision of feeding success. We understand that every dyad has different needs and that feeding solutions look different for individual families. Under the care of a Pediatrician and one of our highly experienced IBCLC’s, we will help you and your baby reach your breast/chestfeeding goals. You may want to offer breast milk or human milk to your baby, and you need some support.

The Kidcrew Lactation Crew can help you with human lactation:

  • The baby is not latching on the breast
  • Breastfeeding women and chestfeeding parents with nipple or breast pain
  • Breastfeeding women and chestfeeding parents suffering from blocked ducts or mastitis
  • Your baby is not gaining weight
  • You wonder if you are producing enough breast milk
  • You feel you are not enjoying or are uncertain about your breastfeeding experience
  • Your baby is fussy at the breast or has started to refuse the breast
  • Your baby is especially gassy after having breast milk
  • You have had breast surgery (such as for breast cancer or breast tissue concerns) in your past
  • You are using a nipple shield
  • You suspect your baby may have a tongue-tie leading to a decrease in breast milk.
  • You have questions on how to express, store and feed supplemental breast milk to your baby.
  • You are returning to work and require support on how to continue breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeeding women and chestfeeding parents who want to succeed at exclusive breastfeeding with only human milk.
  • Poor milk flow
  • Concerns for infant nutrition

Breastfeeding Resources

Breastfeeding Clinics, Private Lactation Consultants, and Community Support Groups

Breastfeeding Clinics: Partially OHIP-Insured Services

1. The Lactation Crew @ Kidcrew

Investment – $65.00 (includes HST) Remainder is OHIP- insured. Referral required.
Location – 1440 Bathurst Street
Tel – 416.654.5437
Email –

2. International Breastfeeding Centre

Cost: $73.45 (includes HST) Remainder is OHIP-insured. Referral required.
Location – 1255 Sheppard Avenue East
Tel – 416-498-0002
Email –

Private Lactation Consultant Services

Most lactation consultants in private practice charge $100-$250 (plus HST) per visit.

Some extended health insurance plans provide coverage for these services. Appointments can be arranged virtually, at a family’s home and in the hospital. Well trained lactation consultants have the IBCLC designation (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.

The following is a list of private board-certified lactation consultants in the Toronto Area. Our Lactation Consultants also teach Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes in a group and private setting:

Taya Griffin

Rose Le Blanc

Community Support Groups

La Leche League

La Leche League is a group of volunteer mothers who run monthly breastfeeding meet-ups and run Facebook groups based on location. Check for details.

Toronto Public Health Breastfeeding Services and Clinics:

And visit Toronto Public Health’s Breastfeeding web page:

Public Breastfeeding Clinics are listed here:

World Health Organization

Have concerns? Please connect with your pediatrician or healthcare provider via secure video or phone, from the safety of your home. Don’t delay care for your child. Didn’t find your answer here, contact us! .. or book a virtual care visit.

Our Lactation Team

Kidcrew Medical with Dr Dina Kulik - Taya Griffin - Lactation Consultant

Taya Griffin,


Lactation Consultant

Kidcrew Medical with Dr Dina Kulik - Rose Leblanc - Lactation Consultant

Rose Leblanc,


Lactation Consultant

Kidcrew Medical - Multi-Disciplinary Pediatric Care with Dr. Dina Kulik

Dr. Dina Kulik,


Pediatrician, Emergency Medicine

Kidcrew Medical | Multidisciplinary Pediatric Clinic with Dr. Dina Kulik

Your Questions About Lactation Consulting


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Do I need a referral to book a Lactation support consultation?

Yes, a referral is required before you can book the appointment.

Ask your doctor or midwife to send a referral to Kidcrew Medical for “Lactation Support.” If they ask you how best to send the referral, there is a form they can fill out on the website here:

They can also fax a referral to the clinic. It may help them give you a copy of the referral, as this can prevent delays if you need to book an urgent visit.

How do I book a Lactation support appointment?

Once you know the doctor or midwife has sent the referral, you can expect a phone call from Kidcrew within 24-48 hours to set up an appointment time. If you don’t hear from Kidcrew, have an urgent need, and know that your doctor has sent your referral, you can call Kidcrew to make sure they received the referral at 416.654.5437 book your appointment at that time.

What does the cost of the visit pay for?

Your visit is partially OHIP covered. The appointment’s $65 fee is to pay our experienced and highly qualified lactation consultant for her time with you. This lactation support is not covered by OHIP.

How long will my Lactation Support appointment be?

Initial appointments are 60 minutes. Follow-up appointments are 30 minutes. If you arrive late, you will not get to spend an hour with the lactation team as it’s likely another family is booked to meet with the consultant when your appointment is scheduled to end, so please try to arrive on time.

What should I bring to my Lactation support appointment?

Please always bring your baby to the appointment. Please also ensure that you have filled in all forms sent to you before your meeting. If you have not received our forms, please call Kidcrew to send them before your appointment.

If you typically feed with a pillow, it may help you bring your pillow so the latch can be assessed with and without the pillow to help determine the best positioning.

If you are supplementing with breastmilk or formula, it can be helpful to bring that with you to the clinic to use as part of your feeding assessment.

Do I have to see both the lactation consultant and the pediatrician?

The Lactation Consultant and pediatrician work together as a team, with your feeding goals in mind, to observe, assess, and determine the best individual care plan for you and your baby. The Lactation Consultant will be with you for the whole appointment. The pediatrician will come in halfway through the appointment to examine your baby and discuss the care plan.

Will my insurance cover the appointment fee?

Some extended benefits insurance plans will cover the appointment fee. Check with your insurance provider to find out what information they need to cover the appointment. Sometimes insurance prefers to have a referral note from health care providers.

How many Lactation Support appointments will I need?

It depends on the feeding challenges but most often two appointments – one initial 60-minute appointment and one follow-up 30-minute appointment.

My baby has a tongue-tie. It is affecting my breast milk supply. Can a release be done during my first appointment at Kidcrew?

As part of your consult at Kidcrew, we will assess for tongue-tie. Some babies have challenges with breast or chestfeeding due to poor latch, or the baby’s mouth holds lots of tension, which can decrease milk production and lead to a low milk supply.

We may recommend a release as part of your care plan. It is important to note that a tongue tie release may not be recommended on the first visit, even if you were referred to Kidcrew for this purpose. We will also assess latching, suggest ways to adjust your feedings for optimal success and address additional breastfeeding challenges. Sometimes working with the Lactation Consultant enables the baby’s mouth to open more fully, enabling successful breastfeeding without the need for a release. Please note that we need a full-hour appointment to release a tongue tie, so please book accordingly.

Please note that the tongue tie procedure is covered by OHIP / provincial health benefits and will be included in the cost ($65 taxes included) of your lactation visit.

How do I cancel my Lactation Support appointment?
We require a 48-hour notice to cancel or reschedule your appointment. If you do not cancel the appointment within 48 hours, you will be charged for the appointment’s total cost.

To cancel your appointment, please call Kidcrew at (416) 654-5437.

Can my Kidcrew appointment be done virtually?

Yes. We can work with breastfeeding mothers and chestfeeding parents virtually. If you feel you are not able to come to the clinic, we can make virtual appointments. You will still need a referral to book an appointment. Please speak to the front desk about this preference when you book in. You will always meet with the pediatrician during your appointment.

Can a Lactation Consultant see me in my home?

Yes. Our Lactation Consultants, Taya Griffin, and Rose Le Blanc, can see you at home. At home, lactation services can be arranged with the Lactation Consultant directly. Taya Griffin can be reached at, and Rose Le Blanc can be reached at

From Our Lactation Team:

The Best Positions for Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding, while a natural process, can pose challenges for new mothers. Key to a smooth breastfeeding journey is discovering the right position, ensuring both comfort and effectiveness. This guide dives into some of the most recommended positions, making the experience more enjoyable for both mother and baby.

How Long Should A Breastfeed Be?

How long should a breastfeed be? Typically breastfeeds are between 10 minutes and 40 minutes – if breastfeeds are any longer or shorter than this range, there is often a breastfeeding problem and mom is usually experiencing a number of other concerns as well.

What Is a Tongue Tie?

A tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, is when the frenulum under the tongue restricts movement, potentially impacting activities like breastfeeding. With expert diagnosis and treatment, it’s possible to alleviate the issues arising from it.