Kidcrew Medical - Lactation

Lactation and Breast Feeding Resources

The Lactation Crew at Kidcrew will support you and your vision of feeding success.

Kidcrew Medical - Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Resources

Babies begin their gross motor development by learning to lift their heads on their tummy.

Kidcrew Medical - Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Resources

Occupational therapy promotes independence in everyday life.

Kidcrew Medical - Therapy

Therapy Resources

Our therapy team is dedicated to helping your family with improving your child’s mental health.



Your Search Results For

back to school

How Can I Help My Child Wear a Mask?

In the wake of the current COVID-19 pandemic and children returning to school, many children are feeling anxious about having to wear a mask for long periods of time while at school or out in the community. Here are a few tips for parents to help make their children feel more comfortable about our “new norm” of mask-wearing.

Back To School Success – 10 Tips For Parents

Back To School Success – 10 Tips For Parents

Back to school can be stressful on a child, so how can a parent help her child with the transition back to school so that the new year is a successful one – Here are 10 tips to make this time easier for you and your child: