Kidcrew Medical - Lactation

Lactation and Breast Feeding Resources

The Lactation Crew at Kidcrew will support you and your vision of feeding success.

Kidcrew Medical - Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Resources

Babies begin their gross motor development by learning to lift their heads on their tummy.

Kidcrew Medical - Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Resources

Occupational therapy promotes independence in everyday life.

Kidcrew Medical - Therapy

Therapy Resources

Our therapy team is dedicated to helping your family with improving your child’s mental health.



Your Search Results For


What Causes Body Odor and How To Manage It

Body odor, often a source of discomfort and self-consciousness, has its roots in a mixture of sweat, bacterial activity, and even dietary habits. Beyond the daily shower routine, understanding these triggers offers avenues for effective management and restored confidence.

When Will I Stop Growing?

Our journey from childhood to adulthood is marked by numerous milestones, one of which is our physical growth. The question many of us ponder is: when will I reach my peak height? Dive into the factors influencing growth, from genetics to nutrition, and discover when most individuals typically stop growing.

What to Eat for Constipation

What to Eat for Constipation

You are feeling bloated and blocked and wondering what to eat for constipation? Let’s focus on the foods to eat for relieving constipation.

Back To School Success – 10 Tips For Parents

Back To School Success – 10 Tips For Parents

Back to school can be stressful on a child, so how can a parent help her child with the transition back to school so that the new year is a successful one – Here are 10 tips to make this time easier for you and your child:

What Do I Do to Help Siblings When a New Baby Arrives?

What Do I Do to Help Siblings When a New Baby Arrives?

These worries are shared by many parents across the globe as they prepare to welcome a new baby into the family. A new child is always going to change the family dynamic. It is essential the outline that these changes can be positive as well as negative.

What is Reactive Airway Disease or Child Asthma and What to Do?

What is Reactive Airway Disease or Child Asthma and What to Do?

Asthma in Children – When parents hear they have a child with asthma or reactive airway disease, they are often fearful that their child will have a serious, life-threatening, life-long illness that may lead to frequent hospitalizations and long-term medication use. Most cases of childhood asthma, or what we call ‘reactive airway disease,’ are otherwise healthy children with recurrent coughing or wheezing episodes.