We are accepting primary care patients for ROUTINE CARE. Book An Appointment if your child is sick.

Kidcrew Medical - Lactation

Lactation and Breast Feeding Resources

The Lactation Crew at Kidcrew will support you and your vision of feeding success.

Kidcrew Medical - Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Resources

Babies begin their gross motor development by learning to lift their heads on their tummy.

Kidcrew Medical - Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Resources

Occupational therapy promotes independence in everyday life.

Kidcrew Medical - Therapy

Therapy Resources

Our therapy team is dedicated to helping your family with improving your child’s mental health.



Your Search Results For


How Can I Limit My Childs’ Screen Time?

Studies have shown that children with longer screen time are at considerable risk of developing obesity at a young age, unhealthy eating habits, weak social skills, behavioural problems, sleep disturbance and lower academic performance. Here are my top strategies for lowering screen time with your kids.

Why Is Kidcrew Involved In Medical Research?

I’m often asked why we participate in Medical Research at Kidcrew. Isn’t that for hospitals and research centers? Not always. Here I describe my passion for research in the medical field, and how we apply it to our work at Kidcrew.