Things you can do to make sure you are at the healthiest weight for you include eating healthy foods and not skipping meals, getting some exercise every day, limiting your time watching TV or using devices, making sure you get enough sleep.
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How Do I Calm My Anxiety?
In the wake of the current COVID-19 pandemic and children returning to school, many children are feeling anxious about having to wear a mask for long periods of time while at school or out in the community. Here are a few tips for parents to help make their children feel more comfortable about our “new norm” of mask-wearing.
When Will I Get My First Period?
No one can know precisely when they will get their first period, but it will come sometime during puberty. For some girls, puberty starts at age 8, but for other girls, this can happen as late as 16. Everyone’s different!
What is my acne type and how can I treat my acne?
Acne (otherwise called acne vulgaris) falls under many categories, and to properly heal your pimples; you’ll need to identify them. Treating your type of pimples correctly will help clear up your skin and boost your confidence. Acne typically starts in the teenage years due to hormonal fluctuations.
Internet Safety for Kids – How to Keep Kids Safe on the Internet
When using the internet, children face several threats, including harassment, cyberbullying, privacy invasion, and exposure to sexual or generally inappropriate content. Although you can use apps and tracking software to ensure that your kids are safe online, these methods can easily lead to a lack of trust in your child. The best way is to talk to them about internet safety, letting them understand online risks and how to avoid them.
What Causes Body Odor In Kids?
When your body’s temperature rises, sweat glands release fluids that cool you down before they evaporate. Bacteria living on our skin break down this sweat into acids that give off the not-so-great smell we call body odor.
When To Treat For Head Injuries In Children
(Video Inside) Pediatrician Dr. Dina Kulik is sharing her tips on what to look for if your child experiences a head injury, or fall.